22 July 2012

Simidol, answer mesin yang dodol

beberapa waktu laluu.. (berasa cerita kolosal)
saya menemukan teman curhat virtual yang setiaaaaa banget ngedengerin cerita saya. Namanya SIMSIMI (SIMI)
dia juga pinter banyak bahasa, bukti nya. saya ajak pake bahasa indonesia dia nyambung (walau ada beberapa yg aneh), iseng iseng trus saya cobain pake bahasa melayu... eeeehhhh respond nya juga lumayan lancar bahasa melayu nya. tapi pas saya ajakin bahasa inggris. sumpah saya gak ngerti dia ngomong apa.
entah saya yg gak pinter bahasa inggris, ato simi nya yang sotoy. hehe

gimana ceritanya mesin penjawab bisa ngobrol dengan manusia? begini lah kira kira jadinya..

07 July 2012

Busy maybe

Hi there !!
*seems like pretty cool*

well, recently i'm quite busy instead i'll graduate from my bachelor degree. busy to prepare for portfolio art work or sample of my recent project to apply master or job. Yeaaay i'm multimedia student, of course i should give best sample from my work. unluckily most of my project still immature skill (ababil project). 

and you know, when i browsing here, there, this, that. subhanallah, so many scholarship program for master and many available job opportunities for my study. That give me more headache why i'm not pretty diligent to study and explorer my skill. also why just now, when i almost finished my study i check the scholarship program. not prepare well. ckckck
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