23 April 2013

Internet Download Manager 6.07

Yepp. for those who like to enjoy watching movie or listening music, but the internet speedy damn so slow, you need to download it. and usually to download a file, you have to sign-up or filling some questionnaire first. hoho

Ini nih, pasti sering dengerkan yang namanya IDM or Internet Download Manager, buat download musik atau video cukup di play dikit aja gak perlu harus klik klik download button segala. IDM juga bisa auto suggest kalau di dalem website yang kalian kunjungi ada sound effect gitu atau bunyi bunyian langsung muncul deh itu simbol IDM nya. Kecuali yaa website yang protect copyright video/music nya yang mau segigih apapun kalian coba ngedownload pake IDM gak akan muncul IDM nya (dikit sih website yang gituan).
gini penampakannya.

20 April 2013

Touch down MACAU

I know this is too late from my promise. but it's okay since late is better than never. Let's start.
I was traveled to Macau few months ago (ok, i do correction, last year ago). I got a ticket with cheap price LAST YEAR (2011). Ya, i booked return ticket from Malay to Macau only RM 250 (sekitar 800ribu rupiah PP) in 2011 and i'm travel in 2012. It was gambling cause you can't predict what you will do in the future, i suggest you to double check your schedule before you book You have to schedule it and you must have strong believe that "i will go there or i have to go". Then finally i was arrived at Macau at may 26th, 2012..

Ruins of St. Paul's atau lebih akrab dikenal gereja tua (itulooh tempat runningman syuting *gak penting*)

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